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woman face profile with gold glitter

Create meaningful connections with your audience 

We help brands
speak human

The Bakery Creative Agency Logo

"The Bakery take the time to really understand a project, as well as the people that will be involved. In our experience, their attention to detail and ability to produce incredibly high quality and professional content is unsurpassed."

Marnie Craig
CEO, Business Events Tasmania

"The Bakery were an absolute delight!! The content they delivered captured our brand essence so much so I actually cried when I watched it for the first time. I was truly overwhelmed with joy."

Tamika Bannister
Director, The Spotted Quoll Studio

"I highly recommend The Bakery. Simon and Stacey fully understood our needs and delivered very high quality work that we are all proud of. They go out of their way to meet deadlines and get the best results possible. A dream team!"

Laurence Palmer
Marketing Manager, Hemp Foods Australia

Need to Connect?

You have something important to say, and it's crucial that it not only connects but also resonates with your audience.

When your message truly resonates, it sparks a genuine, human-to-human interaction, forging meaningful and lasting connections.

Be Understood.

creative directors of the bakery simon baker and stacey baker
The Bakery Creative Agency Logo

At The Bakery Creative Agency, we craft video and visual content that adds lasting value to your organisation. We construct narratives that resonate both emotionally and intellectually with your audience. Your message will not only reach but also enrich the lives of your viewers, fostering meaningful connections that drive real brand growth.

Audience Connection Guaranteed.


Creative Pathways

for Strategic Results

Creative pursuits have often thrived on a unique blend of disorder, eccentricity, and serendipity, contributing to the generation of exceptional work. While acknowledging the inherent value of these elements, we understand that a 'going-hell-for-leather' approach lacks predictability in results. At The Bakery, we recognize that creativity flourishes within defined parameters. We prioritize a deep understanding of your brand, delving into its history, people, challenges, and possibilities before even thinking of reaching for our tools.

The result is not merely lightning in a bottle; it's a systematic approach that can be replicated.

The truth is: creativity thrives in constraints. Some may see constraints as limitations, we see them as a framework for innovation. This is why we invest time in comprehending every nuance, ensuring we have a well-defined sandbox for exploration. The result is not merely lightning in a bottle; it's a systematic approach that can be replicated.

After years of dedicated effort, we've meticulously documented, iterated, and refined our approach to developing Communication Strategies. Much like a design Style Guide, it serves as a roadmap, outlining the current state of your brand and how it engages with your audience. This strategic framework is our commitment to predictable outcomes built on a solid foundation of understanding.

aerial of winding road through trees and snow



Campaign Strategy

Communication Strategy • Project Management

Our approach begins with meticulous information gathering and a deep comprehension of the market, providing the essential groundwork for us to create innovative and impactful Communication Strategies that serve as the backbone for all our services.


Creative Production

Video • Photography • Design

At our core, we are Creatives. Whether we're shaping captivating videos, capturing stunning photography, designing graphics, or crafting textual communications, our belief in creative innovation remains unwavering. We understand that across various mediums, the essence of our creativity is to enhance communication, ensuring that every message is not only clear but also compelling.


Digital Marketing

Online • Traditional Media

Efficient deployment is paramount; without it, establishing a connection with your audience, irrespective of the content's quality, remains elusive. We intricately strategize our delivery from the outset. Our approach encompasses crafting a clear plan, ensuring that every interaction is purposefully designed to draw your audiences closer to the essence of your brand.


Speak Human:

7 Steps to Engaging Brand Narratives

speak human: 7 steps to engaging brand narratives

This concise guide is crafted for businesses seeking to forge deeper connections with their audience. Each step empowers you to bring your brand's story to life, weaving narratives that resonate, engage, and endure. Packed with actionable insights, this free guide distills our proven communication strategy into an easy-to-follow roadmap. Whether you're a budding enterprise or an established brand, these seven steps are your keys to unlocking a dialogue that speaks volumes and ensures growth.


Download your free copy now and start your journey towards impactful, human-centric brand storytelling.

Get Your Copy

creative directors of the bakery simon baker and stacey baker

Every brand has a unique story to tell.

The Bakery, Creative Agency & Production Studio is based in beautiful Northern Tasmania. Since our inception in 2014, originating in the vibrant and entrepreneurial Byron Bay, we've been dedicated to empowering brands through the art and science of creative communications.


Our expertise lies in crafting narratives that breathe life into brands, fostering authentic connections with audiences. From free thought leadership resources to premium-tiered products and services, we're committed to showcasing the transformative power of your brand message.

We don't just create content though; we curate compelling stories that resonate with your target audience. Whether it's an exciting promotion, an engaging company story, or an insightful explainer video, every piece is designed to contribute to the larger narrative of your brand.

Our specialisation doesn't stop at production either. We believe in the power of strategic marketing to amplify your brand narrative. Leveraging the latest trends and platforms, we ensure your story reaches the right audience at the right time. From impactful social media campaigns to targeted YouTube strategies, we orchestrate a multichannel approach that magnifies the resonance of your brand.

every piece is designed to contribute to the larger narrative of your brand

The Bakery Creative Agency Logo
business events tasmania logo
hemp foods australia logo
beacon foundation logo
tas gas logo
kinetic logo
crowne plaza hotel logo
creative directors of the bakery simon baker and stacey baker
The Bakery Creative Agency Logo

Every brand has a unique story to tell.

The Bakery, Creative Agency & Production Studio is based in beautiful Northern Tasmania. Since our inception in 2014, originating in the vibrant and entrepreneurial Byron Bay, we've been dedicated to empowering brands through the art and science of creative communications.

Our expertise lies in crafting narratives that breathe life into brands, fostering authentic connections with audiences. From free thought leadership resources to premium-tiered products and services, we're committed to showcasing the transformative power of your brand message.

We don't just create content though; we curate compelling stories that resonate with your target audience. Whether it's an exciting promotion, an engaging company story, or an insightful explainer video, every piece is designed to contribute to the larger narrative of your brand.

Our specialisation doesn't stop at production either. We believe in the power of strategic marketing to amplify your brand narrative. Leveraging the latest trends and platforms, we ensure your story reaches the right audience at the right time. From impactful social media campaigns to targeted YouTube strategies, we orchestrate a multichannel approach that magnifies the resonance of your brand.

every piece is designed to contribute to the larger narrative of your brand


projects completed

We've been around the block a few times and seen a few things.  There's a certain confidence we find in seeing trends come and go, while good old fashioned people skills standing the test of time.


years in business

Way back in 2014 we started out in the famously colourful Byron Bay and we've certainly come a long way!


exclusive clients

at a time

Yep, that's right. We work with a maximum of 5 clients at a time. If you're one of them, then we can guarantee you're on our minds daily. Get in touch and check our availability.


months minimum


'No man (or woman) left behind' could be our motto. We give a shit basically and we make it our business to support every campaign and client toward a successful outcome.


We've been around the block a few times and seen a few things.  There's a certain confidence we find in seeing trends come and go, while good old fashioned people skills standing the test of time.

projects completed


Way back in 2014 we started out in the famously colourful Byron Bay and we've certainly come a long way!

years in business


'No man (or woman) left behind' could be our motto. We give a shit basically and we make it our business to support every campaign and client toward a successful outcome.

months minimum



Yep, that's right. We work with a maximum of 5 clients at a time. If you're one of them, then we can guarantee you're on our minds daily. Get in touch and check our availability.

exclusive clients

at a time

Are you creative?

We're looking for creatives to join the team. If you're a Filmmaker, Videographer, Motion Graphics Artist, Animator, Photographer, Web Developer, Copywriter or Marketer, we'd love to meet you.

Select all that apply to you
funky dancer silhouette
woman face profile with gold glitter

Create meaningful connections with your audience 

We help brands

speak human

The Bakery Creative Agency Logo

Strategic Content Production & Marketing

woman face profile with gold glitter

We help brands

speak human

Create meaningful connections with your audience 

Strategic Content Production & Marketing



Be Understood.

We've all experienced those times where someone truly 'gets us' –  moments where understanding sparks a genuine, human-to-human interaction. It's those moments that forge meaningful and lasting connections. 

If you’re after a more human approach to your marketing, we can help. We’re curious people. We crave deeper understanding and more authentic emotional experiences so we use this as creative fuel to build genuine, long lasting relationships for your brand. Welcome to a new era of communication, where we can all speak human.

Campaign Strategy

Communication Strategy • Project Management

Our approach begins with meticulous information gathering and a deep comprehension of the market, providing the essential groundwork for us to create innovative and impactful Communication Strategies that serve as the backbone for all our services.

notebook and glasses on a desk for strategy writing

Creative Production

Video • Photography • Design

At our core, we are Creatives. Whether we're shaping captivating videos, capturing stunning photography, designing graphics, or crafting textual communications, our belief in creative innovation remains unwavering. We understand that across various mediums, the essence of our creativity is to enhance communication, ensuring that every message is not only clear but also compelling.

film lights on set shoot

Digital Marketing

Online • Traditional Media

Efficient deployment is paramount; without it, establishing a connection with your audience, irrespective of the content's quality, remains elusive. We intricately strategize our delivery from the outset. Our approach encompasses crafting a clear plan, ensuring that every interaction is purposefully designed to draw your audiences closer to the essence of your brand.


What do you need?

Free Guide

"Speak Human"

Not sure where to start? Packed with actionable insights, this free guide distills our proven video production framework into an easy-to-follow roadmap. 

Brainstorm Session

Creative Kickstarter

Discover a world of creative possibilities with a one-hour brainstorming session. We'll explore innovative ideas and tailor creative strategies to bring your brand's vision to life.​

Production Services

Video Production

If you're looking for a steady hand on your video and visual  content production, we'll bring your message to life from concept to execution.  


Our Story

Welcome to The Bakery Creative Agency, where we transform ordinary brands into extraordinary stories. Born in the vibrant culture of Byron Bay and now thriving in Tasmania, our journey is a testament to the power of human connection in marketing. Discover how our passion for storytelling and commitment to authenticity has shaped our agency and continues to inspire the brands we work with.

Our Thinking

Dive into our 'Think' blog, where creativity meets strategy. Here, we share our insights, ideas, and inspirations to help you navigate the ever-changing world of marketing. From the latest trends to timeless principles, join us in exploring the art and science of helping brands speak human.

Our Services

At The Bakery Creative Agency, we offer a comprehensive suite of services designed to elevate your brand's communication strategy. From video production to graphic design, digital communications and analytics, our integrated approach ensures that your message resonates with your audience. Learn more about how we can help you craft engaging brand narratives and achieve your marketing goals.

Our Work

Explore our portfolio and see the impact of our creative endeavors. Each project showcases our commitment to delivering strategic and visually compelling content that connects with audiences. Discover how we've helped brands across various industries connect with audiences and stand out in the digital landscape.

Get to know us a little better


Get to know us

a little better

Our Story

Welcome to The Bakery Creative Agency, where we transform ordinary brands into extraordinary stories. Born in the vibrant culture of Byron Bay and now thriving in Tasmania, our journey is a testament to the power of human connection in marketing. Discover how our passion for storytelling and commitment to authenticity has shaped our agency and continues to inspire the brands we work with.

Our Thinking

Dive into our 'Think' blog, where creativity meets strategy. Here, we share our insights, ideas, and inspirations to help you navigate the ever-changing world of marketing. From the latest trends to timeless principles, join us in exploring the art and science of helping brands speak human.

Our Services

At The Bakery Creative Agency, we offer a comprehensive suite of services designed to elevate your brand's communication strategy. From video production to graphic design, digital communications and analytics, our integrated approach ensures that your message resonates with your audience. Learn more about how we can help you craft engaging brand narratives and achieve your marketing goals.

Our Work

Explore our portfolio and see the impact of our creative endeavors. Each project showcases our commitment to delivering strategic and visually compelling content that connects with audiences. Discover how we've helped brands across various industries connect with audiences and stand out in the digital landscape.


Need to Connect?

You have something important to say, and it's crucial that it not only connects but also resonates with your audience.

When your message truly resonates, it sparks a genuine, human-to-human interaction, forging meaningful and lasting connections.

Be Understood.


Our Story

Welcome to The Bakery Creative Agency, where we transform ordinary brands into extraordinary stories. Born in the vibrant culture of Byron Bay and now thriving in Tasmania, our journey is a testament to the power of human connection in marketing. Discover how our passion for storytelling and commitment to authenticity has shaped our agency and continues to inspire the brands we work with.

Our Thinking

Dive into our 'Think' blog, where creativity meets strategy. Here, we share our insights, ideas, and inspirations to help you navigate the ever-changing world of marketing. From the latest trends to timeless principles, join us in exploring the art and science of helping brands speak human.

Our Services

At The Bakery Creative Agency, we offer a comprehensive suite of services designed to elevate your brand's communication strategy. From video production to graphic design, digital communications and analytics, our integrated approach ensures that your message resonates with your audience. Learn more about how we can help you craft engaging brand narratives and achieve your marketing goals.

Our Work

Explore our portfolio and see the impact of our creative endeavors. Each project showcases our commitment to delivering strategic and visually compelling content that connects with audiences. Discover how we've helped brands across various industries connect with audiences and stand out in the digital landscape.

Get to know us a little better

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